Dr. David Amudavi, the Executive Director of BvAT, participated in a workshop of multi-sectoral team of twenty experts invited by the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Fisheries and Cooperatives to review the National Seed Policy and develop seed sector strategy and investment plan for Kenya at Eserian Hotel in Naivasha from 3-6 October 2022. Dr. Amudavi was among the experts who made presentations on various aspects of the seed sector that stimulated discussion on the key gaps and priority interventions for consideration into the new policy for the seed sector.
He presented the African Union approved concept for the development and establishment of Farmer Managed Seed Systems (FMSS) within the African Seed & Biotechnology Programme (ASBP) informed by the AU commissioned consultancy report of the harmonization of seed regulatory frameworks across the continent. This would be an important milestone by the African Member States in mainstreaming farmer managed seed system into food systems. This is important given that millions of small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa, most of whom are women, still supply 80-90% of all the seeds planted in Africa.
Further, it will be a commitment to recognize farmers’ rights to food sovereignty and security, agricultural biodiversity, and support measures to ensure adequate resourcing for their sustainability. Policy recommendations were made in how to integrate the FMSS into the National Seed Policy including development and/or review of the relevant Acts and Regulations to accommodate/respond to the emerging issues in the seed sub-sector. In particular the review will consider all aspects related to FMSS including regulation and conservation issues to ensure proper management, safeguard against abuse and access to quality seed.
The Ministry of Agriculture facilitated the workshop in collaboration with the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and the African Seed Access Index (TASAI). Kenya’s example of integrating the FMSS into the seed systems will provide lessons for other African Member States.

Compiled by:
Ms. Venancia Wambua, EOA-I in Africa, Project Manager