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Biovision Africa Trust hosts Christophe LAROSE of European Union and Mr. Amine Belhamissi of IFAD at its offices based in Icipe Campus Kasarani
The BvAT team led by its Executive Director, Dr. David Amudavi hosted Christophe LAROSE of European Union and Mr. Amine Belhamissi of IFAD on 10th May 2024 at their offices
Biovision Africa Trust and Hand in Hand East Africa hold partnership discussions for the roll out of the Biovision Africa Trust LDF Project in Kitui County
Biovision Africa Trust has launched it new project funded by Louis Dreyfus enterprise (LDF). The project is titled ‘Enhancing food and nutrition, market linkages and resilient livelihoods for smallholder farmers
Biovision Africa Trust Pays a Courtesy Call to the CECM for Agriculture and Livestock Kitui County to launch a project that will enhance Food Nutrition and Security
Food insecurity and malnutrition are significant challenges for the growing population in Kenya, particularly in rural areas dominated by smallholder farmers. According to the Kenya Food Security Steering Group (KFSSG)
Digital training materials on organic farming
Do you want to learn more about organic farming? Do you want to do that now with nothing more than only your phone? Find below a list of open-access digital
A Guide to Bee keeping
This booklet features practical information on why one should consider beekeeping as an income generating enterprise.It is a practical guide to production, processing and value addition of honey and other
Programme for the Agroecological and organic farming systems in Africa –transformation towards system resilience andsustainable production and consumption
Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) through The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Eastern Africa (KHEA) and the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA-I), in partnership with the Research Institute