Mkulima Mbunifu Magazine project run in Arusha, Tanzania, is one of the communication projects supported by Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) in Nairobi through its Farmer Communication Programme. The project is implemented in partnership with Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), a non-governmental organization based in Morogoro. The Mkulima Mbunifu project started in 2011 with funding from Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development in Switzerland. Currently, the magazine currently reaches approximately 72,000 farmers in Tanzania every month.
The project specifically focuses on enhancing social, economic and environmental livelihoods of smallholder farmers in northern Tanzania regions including Arusha, Kilimanjaro, Manyara and Tanga through providing information and knowledge for adoption of ecologically sustainable agriculture (ESA) and improved agricultural productivity.
The Mkulima Mbunifu magazine is a monthly publication that carries instructional information on Ecological Sustainable Agriculture (ESA) for smallholder farmers. The information is contained in articles on soil fertility management, control of pests and diseases, harvest and handling, value addition, marketing and policy matters relevant to the Agriculture sector in Tanzania. The content is aligned to the four thematic areas of BvAT’s focus, known as the 4H representing Plant health, Human health, Environmental health and Animal health.
In each of the monthly publication 15,000 copies are printed and distributed to farmer groups, extension officers, Non-Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organization, schools and institutions of higher learning, agriculture institutions and as well as individual farmers. The database of recipients is updated on a continuous basis to include new readers who request to receive the Magazine.