Francis Nsanga
Francis Nsanga is the Project Manager, Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture (KCOA) in Eastern Africa . Francis is a Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) from the Knowledge Management Institute in Washington D.C. He holds a master’s degree in Public Health (MPH) and a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA), a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a diploma in Education. He has a certificate in Quantitative Methods in Clinical Public Health Research, a certificate in Statistical Reasoning for Public Health, Certificate in Epidemiology and Basic Clinical Research.
Prior to joining BvAT, Francis worked with Peer to Peer project in Uganda as a Project Manager. He was also the Lead Innovator of The Icon Farm Technology (TIFAT), a post-harvest loss reduction technology that connects small holder farmers to the market. Francis with the TIFAT novelty was among the top 10 innovators in the East Africa Postharvest Technology Competition 2017 hosted by The Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) and USAID’s East Africa Trade and Investment Hub. He was Head of Strategic Information and Innovations at Uganda Health Marketing Group. He worked as a Knowledge Manager at the Uganda Health Marketing Group and worked as a Data Manager at Infections Diseases Institute, Makerere University.
At BvAT, Francis is tasked with preparing guidelines for preparing work plans and budgets by partners, facilitating regular communications and meetings with partners in order to review progress and appraise activities planned for approval and implementation. Design and implement appropriate and effective knowledge capture and sharing activities and execution of knowledge sharing events including monthly seminars/webinars, workshops, conferences, and peer learning sessions.