4th Egerton University National Forum for Agricultural Stakeholders
Find attached the Programme for the forum: National Forum for Agricultural Stakeholders Programme
Find attached the Programme for the forum: National Forum for Agricultural Stakeholders Programme
AUC and EOA-I Continental Secretariat (hosted by Biovision Africa Trust) to host a virtual meeting on Mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture / agroecology in NAIPs and RAIPS on 24th July 2021. This is in line with implementation of the Executive Council of the African Union decision on organic farming in 2011(EX.CL/631 (XVIII). This decision requested the AU Commission and NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency […]
Purpose: · Provide a decision basis for BMZ on conceptual and regional adaptations of KCOA Objectives: · To assess the achievements of the regional Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa (KHEA) and to make recommendations on the future orientation and implementation. · To appraise on possible conceptual and regional adaptations and to provide […]
Workshop Zoom Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81759805975?pwd=SmxwQnFvQVpXYTNDdEJYR29vSDJhUT09
Can organic agriculture improve yields and incomes for smallholder farmers in Africa ? This side event will explore different forms of organic agriculture performed in various real farm settings across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and to what extent they can contribute to sustainable development.Take a glimpse at the groundbreaking results of a recent study showcasing: Different […]