Middle East Natural and Organic Products Expo

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The Middle East Natural and Organic Products Expo (link is external) Dubai is the only event of its kind specializing in beauty, health, food and beverage, living, and the environment sectors in the Middle East and Northern Africa. With the support of IFOAM - Organics International, the expo has served as a platform to launch organic […]

Middle East Natural and Organic Products Expo

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The Middle East Natural and Organic Products Expo (link is external) Dubai is the only event of its kind specializing in beauty, health, food and beverage, living, and the environment sectors in the Middle East and Northern Africa. With the support of IFOAM – Organics International, the expo has served as a platform to launch organic […]

Youth and Agroecology National Summit 2020

AgriProFocus with support from IKEA Foundation is currently implementing the Youth in Agroecology and Business Learning Track in Africa (YALTA Initiative). The program aims to support young agripreneurs to apply agroecological principles and to co-create networks around them in view of contributing to the increased sustainability of food systems and youth employment. To more about […]

Virtual Meeting on Mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture/agro ecology in NAIPs and RAIPS

AUC and EOA-I Continental Secretariat (hosted by Biovision Africa Trust) to host a virtual meeting on Mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture / agroecology in NAIPs and RAIPS on 24th July 2021. This is in line with implementation of the Executive Council of the African Union decision on organic farming in 2011(EX.CL/631 (XVIII). This decision requested the AU Commission and NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency […]

Review and Appraisal Mission by GIZ of the Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa (KHEA) which is part of the global Knowledge Centre for Organic Agriculture in Africa (KCOA) project.

Purpose: · Provide a decision basis for BMZ on conceptual and regional adaptations of KCOA Objectives: · To assess the achievements of the regional Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture in Eastern Africa (KHEA) and to make recommendations on the future orientation and implementation. · To appraise on possible conceptual and regional adaptations and to provide […]