National Validation Workshop for the Draft Kenya Agricultural Sector Extension Policy 2022
Virtual through Zoom , KenyaFind attached the Draft KASEP policy and National Validation Programme KASEP Draft Policy National Validation Programme
Find attached the Draft KASEP policy and National Validation Programme KASEP Draft Policy National Validation Programme
Potentials Right Livelihood Award (“Alternative Nobel Prize”) recipients/representatives Dr. David M. Amudavi, Executive Director, Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) icipe-African Insect Science for Food and Health, Nairobi, Kenya Dr. Hans R. Herren, President and CEO, Millennium Institute, Co-Founder and President Biovision, Washington, USA Helmy Abouleish, CEO, SEKEM Initiative, Cairo, Egypt Tim Crews, Director of Research and […]
Globally, agriculture is at the same time vulnerable to and a major driver of climate change and associated loss of biodiversity. In 2021, the UN Food Systems Summit and the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 underlined the importance of sustainable food systems and the necessity of profound transformation. In Germany, the Global Forum for Food […]
Since its launch in 2018, the Scaling up Agroecology Initiative seeks to mobilize dialogue, cooperation and investment within and beyond the United Nations (UN) system, to bring agroecology to scale and achieve multiple sustainable development goals through sustainable agriculture and food systems. Different UN Agencies are progressively supporting agroecology across their respective mandates in partnership with governments and key […]
Welcome to the Family Farming & Agroecology Discussions Community of Practice (CoP)! The objective of this group is to establish synergies, connect existing organizations and networks and encourage proactive multi-stakeholder exchanges to enhance the community of practicioners on family farming and agroecology by co-creating and sharing knowledge through focused thematic discussions. Each discussion will be […]
The Objectives of the launch of the Critical Analysis The objective of the meeting is to launch the critical analysis of the 3rd BR process. More specifically, during the 2 half-days, the meeting will aim to: Build a common understanding of the Critical Analysis, its objectives and the process envisaged. Review expectations and commitment of […]
Agroecology and its principles are increasingly recognized as a promising pathway for providing sustainable solutions to the issues of food security and nutrition, the fight against poverty and social inequalities, the adaptation to climate change, the preservation of biodiversity and natural resources, and the fight against zoonotic diseases. Simultaneously, approaches that put territories at the […]
Biovision Africa Trust is delighted to host the Agricultural Committee of the German Parliament. The event will be held on Friday 28th October 2022 at Biovision Africa Trust Offices starting from 9.00am EAT. The Activities for the event include Exhibitions for core programs, Networking Session, Press conference and, Executive Director Presentation to delegation.
The African Organic Network (AfrONet) informs all stakeholders and partners that the scheduled 5th Africa Organic Conference (AOC) for 9th – 12th November 2022 has been postponed to the second quarter of 2023, due to unavoidable circumstances that were beyond our control. However, call for papers will still be received from scholars, farmers, policy makers, […]
CALL FOR PAPER SUBMISSION FOR THE 1st AFRICAN ORGANIC RESEARCH CONFERENCE (AFROREC) About the conference African Organic Research Conference (AFROREC) is an initiative of the Network of Organic Agriculture Researchers in Africa (NOARA) with participation of diverse regional and international multi-stakeholder organizations (farmers/ producers, researchers, manufacturers/marketers, policy makers, etc.) in organic and agroecology sectors. The […]