Dr. David Amudavi (PhD)
Executive Director, Ex-officio member
Dr. Amudavi is the Director of Biovision Africa Trust and Coordinator of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative for Africa.
Dr. Amudavi has a wide range of experience within the agricultural sector. Prior to joining BvAT he was a senior lecturer at the Egerton University in the Department of Agricultural Education and Extension. He has supervised many graduate students and published widely in international journals, contributed to book chapters, and presented several research papers at national and international conferences. He has also been involved in several international consultancies relating to livelihood improvement, technology transfer among smallholder farmers and strengthening of agricultural extension systems in Sub-Saharan Africa for various international organizations.
David holds a Ph.D. in Adult and Extension Education with minors in Developmental Sociology and Natural Resource Management (NRM) from Cornell University in the USA; M.Sc. in Agricultural Science from The University of Melbourne University, Australia, and a B.Sc., in Agricultural Education and Extension from Egerton University, Kenya. Dr Amudavi was a postdoctoral fellow with ICIPE’s Push-pull project: ‘Creating smallholder led growth through ‘push-pull’ technologies in Eastern Africa.’
Dr Amudavi is responsible for ensuring smooth operations at the Biovision Africa Trust and coordinating activities of the Farmer Communication Programme. Specific duties include supporting staff capacity development; links FCP with partners; and supports resource mobilization and advocacy for promotion of ecologically sustainable agriculture.