Biovision Africa Trust Strengthens Its Presence in Kitui County – Participates in The Kitui Agricultural Society of Kenya (Ask) Show

Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT), in collaboration with Hand in Hand Eastern Africa, participated in the Kitui Agricultural Society of Kenya (ASK) Show from 24th to 27th July. The theme of the show was: Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture for Food Security and Trade Initiatives for Sustainable Economic Growth. Representing Biovision Africa Trust were Rose Gachanja, the field officer for the ANFEA-LDF project in Kitui County, and Mr. Joseph Mbithi, a farmer field officer from Makueni County.

Through the ANFEA-LDF Project, BvAT aims to aims to promote selected agroecology farming practices to enhance food and nutrition security, strengthen access to markets and improve resilience of livelihoods by smallholder farmers specifically women and youth in Kitui and Nakuru counties of Kenya.

The primary objective of participating in the Kitui ASK Show was to introduce Biovision Africa trust’s projects, including the ANFEA- LDF Project implemented under the umbrella of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA-I) that is currently implemented in 9 Africa Countries under the leadership of Africa Union Commission and the Farmer Communication Programme (FCP) implemented in 11 counties in Kenya. The FCP disseminates information to small holder farmers and the public through the Organic Farmer Magazines, The Organic Farmer Radio (TOF Radio), and in Kitui working with the Radio programs on Mutongoi FM.

It was an opportunity for Biovision Africa Trust to connect with stakeholders and partners to foster future collaborations within Kitui county and beyond.

The Biovision Africa Trust stand attracted a diverse audience, including farmers and farmer groups, primary and university students, community-based organizations, Ministry of Agriculture personnel, local agro-dealers and enterprises, NGOs such as Green Care Association, Groots Kenya, Pelum Kenya, and World Vision, as well as key government officials, including Deputy Governor Mr. Augustine Wambua and CEC Agriculture Mr. Mbaya Kimwele.

The event facilitated the establishment of valuable connections with stakeholders for future collaboration. The engagement with farmers and students highlighted the importance of education in organic farming. In recognition of their efforts, Biovision Africa Trust in collaboration with Hand in Hand Eastern Africa, was awarded the second-best non-governmental organization stand at the ASK show. Additionally, over 200 copies of the Organic Farmer magazine were distributed, and significant attendance data was gathered.

Biovision Africa Trust’s participation in the Kitui ASK Show was a resounding success. The event effectively promoted climate-smart agriculture, engaged key stakeholders, and garnered recognition. This platform has set the stage for future collaborations and extended outreach efforts in Kitui County, reinforcing the organization’s commitment to fostering sustainable agricultural practices and community development.

Prepared by Rose Gachanja

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