Terms of Reference (TOR) for design and layout of the 2023 Annual Report of Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT), Study Reports and Policy Briefs for Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative

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Website biovisionafrica Biovision Africa Trust

Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) is seeking a competent firm or individual to carry out design and layout of camera-ready work of its 2023 BvAT Annual Report, its study reports and policy briefs for the Ecological Organic0 Agriculture Initiative.

About Biovision Africa Trust

BvAT is a not-for-profit organization established in Kenya in 2009 by the Biovision Foundation for ecological development in Switzerland and based in the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) in Nairobi. The Trust’s goal is to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Kenya and other African countries through supporting dissemination of information and knowledge on appropriate technology to improve human, animal, plant, and environmental health.

The overall goal of the Trust is to sustainably improve the lives of the people in Africa while conserving the environment as the basis for all life. Our vision is a food secure African continent with healthy people living in a healthy environment. Our Mission is to alleviate poverty and improve the livelihoods of rural communities in Africa through disseminating relevant agricultural information to small holder farmers and supporting likeminded organizations and institutions. In this context, BvAT provides well researched and validated information in four interrelated thematic areas of ecological development; Animal Health, Plant Health, Human Health and Environment Health using various communication pathways; Print (The Organic Farmer and Mkulima Mbunifu magazines), Broadcast (TOF and MkM radios), Electronic media (web-based knowledge database, mobile phone and computer applications), and field outreach services.

About the assignment

  • Design and Layout of an attractive 2023 Annual Report of 42 pages.
  • Design and Layout of an attractive EOA landscape mapping study report of 128 pages.
  • Design and Layout of an attractive EOA Youth study report of 61 pages.
  • Design and Layout of an attractive EOA policy brief of 2 pages, 3 pages and 4 pages.
  • This is a one-off assignment where the successful firm/ individual will be required to work closely with BvAT staff to design and layout the 2023 Annual Report in line with BvAT Branding Manual (BvAT will provide a sample), design and layout of EOA study reports and policy briefs in line with EOA branding guidelines (EOA) branding guidelines will be provided.
  • Provide a ready – to – print format of the three reports and policy briefs.
  • Provide a ready to share (web version) of the three reports and policy briefs

Outputs/ Deliverables

  • Quality design of the three reports and policy briefs in line with branding requirements and within specified deadlines.
  • Final print and web versions of the three reports and policy briefs in PDF and In Design versions on CD.

Qualification and Expertise

  • Strong theoretical and practical background in graphic design, including the use of design software such as Adobe Design Premium, In-Design, CorelDraw, web design tools such as Dreamweaver and Flash, etc.
  • Show a clear and mature style of design, demonstrating an understanding of the communication requirements of BvAT.
  • Proven experience of graphic production from start to published/printed product with knowledge of printing processes (offset and digital) and color management.
  • Good understanding of new and evolving technologies and digital platforms.
  • Knowledge of standard software packages, including MS Office– MS Access–MS Visio –Adobe Acrobat.
  • Working experience in development or humanitarian environment is desirable.
  • Similar previous work-related assignments with Biovision Africa Trust is desirable

How to Apply

Interested candidates/firms should submit the following:

  • A detailed curriculum vitae/ profile,
  • A one-page write-up showing why you are most suitable for the consultancy,
  • References list,
  • Copy of catalogue and samples of similar work,
  • Financial proposal showing the total cost of conducting the assignment with a clear breakdown of consultancy costs.

If you are interested in the above consultancy and can demonstrate your ability to meet the qualifications required, then submit your expression of interest with the above-mentioned documents to procurement@biovisionafrica.org

The closing date for applications is 20th September 2024. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Download the printable version here

Biovision Africa Trust is an equal opportunity employer.

To apply for this job email your details to procurement@biovisionafrica.org

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