The Digital Training Materials project is one of the communication projects supported by Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) under the Farmer Communication Program (FCP). The project is implemented in partnership with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) with funding from the Leopold Bachmann Foundation.
The project aims to increase access to knowledge on organic farming by smallholder farmers through the digitalization and dissemination of training materials from trustworthy and reputable platforms (FiBL’s Organic Africa platform and Infonet-Biovision). Furthermore, the digitalization projectbuilds on the GIZ-funded KCOA project to make knowledge resources on organic agriculture and agroecology available to farmers and multipliers in East Africa and beyond.
The project is being implemented in Kenya and Rwanda. The key implementing partners are Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) in Kenya and Rwanda Organic Agriculture Movement (ROAM) in Rwanda.
Specific objectives are to:
- Simplify/downscale information materials into formats which are easily accessible (via phone) and understood by smallholder farmers.
- Provide different digital channels (mobile apps, WhatsApp, Telegram, text messages, Interactive Voice Response, comic books, videos) that help farmers to access information in a timely and interactive manner with little or no cost.
- Support development of a strategy for sustaining access to these materials by smallholder farmers in conjunction with other partners.
- Support the development of a roll out strategy for implementing similar platforms and tools in the other three Knowledge Hubs (North, West and Southern Africa).
- Build capacity with partners to offer trainings in at least one new format.
- Strengthen the value proposition of trainings for farmers by focusing on the aspect of market access.