Historic First Visit: KHEA CIPs – PELUM Uganda and PELUM Kenya Unite for a Gender Learning Exchange

PELUM Uganda a Co-Host and Country Implementing Partner (CIP) in Uganda on the KCOA-KHEA Project proudly hosted a team of 23 staff members from PELUM Kenya which is also a Country Implementing Partner (CIP) on the KCOA-KHEA Project in Kenya for a Gender Learning Exchange from August 19-23, 2024.

On August 21, the staff from both PELUM Country Chapters in Kenya and Uganda converged at Silver Springs Hotel in Bugolobi and exchanged and dialogued on Gender inclusiveness in the agriculture sector.

In her opening remarks, the Country Coordinator and KHEA Project Co-Host Coordinator, Mrs. Josephine Akia Luyimbazi, encouraged staff from both country chapters to fully utilize the vibrant platform for open dialogue, where diverse perspectives should be shared and valued.


🔍 Key Highlights discussed in the session:

  1. Diverse Perspectives: The session explored various approaches and strategies for advancing gender equality in the projects implemented, learning from each other’s successes and challenges.
  2. Innovative Solutions: Country chapters showcased impactful practices and solutions that have made a significant difference in the respective regions.
  3. Strengthened Partnerships: Through the week, the exchange fostered deeper connections and understanding, laying the groundwork for future collaborations and collective action between PELUM Uganda and PELUM Kenya.
  4. Experience Sharing: Participants also discussed gender mainstreaming tools and strategies to enhance the region’s collective efforts.

The PELUM Uganda Head of Programs representative and KCOA-KHEA Project Manager, Francis Nsanga, and PELUM Kenya Head of Programs representative of the PELUM Kenya Country Coordinator, Manei Naanyu said in their opening remarks to the PELUM Country Chapters staff that, “Kenya and Uganda are making significant strides in promoting gender inclusiveness within the agricultural sector.”

As a vital area of focus on the KCOA-KHEA Project, gender equality is crucial for optimizing productivity and fostering sustainable agricultural practices. See link to the KCOA Gender Guide: https://khea-africa.org/knowledge-products-2/ which was launched recently by GIZ in partnership with the KCOA Hubs.

Through a short documentary, the KCOA hubs shared a snippet on what is in the KCOA Gender Guide, watch via this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CIPt4zAT10

The staff from both organisations also held departmental exchanges to pick lessons and learn from one another to support better project implementation in the region.

A heartfelt thank you to the dedicated staff of PELUM Uganda and PELUM Kenya, as well as the PELUM Association Regional Secretariat, for their invaluable contributions and commitment to advancing gender equality.

Prepared by Pamella Magino

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